Free Your Soles at the 5th Annual Burning of the Socks
It all began in the mid-1980s at a boatyard in Annapolis, MD. There, Captain Bob Turner wore socks all during the long, cold winter months while working on OPB's (that's "Other People's Boats", for you landdlubbers). By winter's end his socks were stand-up stiff with sawdust, caulk and bottom paint.
On the first day of spring, Bob placed his leavings laden socks in a paint tray, set those smelly articles on fire and then drank a beer to celebrate. And so the spring tradition of sock burning began and it has grown to coastal communities across the country. Captain Bob lives in Pawleys Island now. He has exhibited his owner built/Dudley Dix designed PaperJet sailboat at the Georgetown Wooden Boat Show and he is an active volunteer with the Winyah Bay Sailing Club training young sailors. Bob Turner will be our special guest at this year's sock burning.